weed removal

Beyond safe-cleaning technology, Lake Groomer offers quick and easy assembly, stay dry installation, protection against short circuiting, power-share programming, weed germination prevention, lakebed improvement, and good spawning habitat creation. The Lake Groomer’s three flexible connectors between its rollers enable Lake Groomer to move in harmony with the contour of the lake bottom. Because only one bolt is needed to attach or detach the rollers on this design, changing your roller configuration is almost effortless.
In addition to Lake Groomer’s many amenities, the groomer can stand alone or mount to a dock. You can easily place it wherever you most need it and program it for maximum effectiveness, allowing you to control unwanted weeds and other lake muck for vast improvement to your boat access and swimming area. Your lake adventurers are sure to appreciate the clearer, cleaner waters surrounding your shorefront.